Innovative SaaS Link-Building Tactics to Try This Year

The best source of a link is a website that is both considered authoritative and relevant to your website.

-Helen Pollitt

Today's digital world is very competitive, so you must know the best ways to stay ahead. An effective link-building strategy is essential for any SaaS company to attain a good website.

Let us show you what link-building is and the most important tactics for it.

You can use it to achieve high search engine rankings and increase organic traffic for your SaaS.

That’s what you need, right?

Linking-building is an SEO tactic that enables and encourages other websites to link to your website. So when you want to search sites with some search engine like Google or Yahoo, first they will show the most authoritative results.

Surely, you want your website to rank high. That’s why you need backlinks. Backlinks are basically hyperlinks that connect websites with one another. These backlinks need to have quality so that your website looks authentic and reliable.

What do they do?

They significantly impact SaaS companies by affecting their visibility and increasing online popularity and sales.


SEMrush is one of the platforms that allows you to measure your SEO performance. It has a compound metric called SEMrush Authority Score. That part of SEMrush contains a chain of metrics that can show your website's authenticity.

Here are some ways to find that score using SEMrush:

But let’s move on to the central topic and present you with this year’s best link-building tactics.

You can incorporate many tactics in creating the content for your site, but we need to focus on a couple of the most effective ones.

Unlinked brand mentions

It may happen that some website mentions you or your business without linking to you. You need to find the author, send him a message, and politely ask to include a link to your site.

That is an excellent linking method.

For example, you can use apps such as BrandMentions or Brand24 to check unlinked mentions of your brand. You can track mentions from various channels: websites, social media, blogs, videos, etc.

Broken link-building

No one wants to send visitors to broken pages!

Sometimes, some backlinks no longer work, so it’s a great tactic to contact the site's publisher and ask them to replace those broken links with links to your site.

Link exchange between websites

There is a link exchange between two or more websites, where websites cooperatively agree to boost and promote each other’s links on their sites. This tactic is powerful because you both help your site and provide help to some other site, which makes you feel good.

Guest blogging

This strategy of writing and publishing content on websites and blogs can help you become more authoritative as a writer and give you the possibility of gaining more backlinks to your own website later.

Reclaim lost backlink

Luckily, if you lose some backlinks, you can recover them. Losing the backlinks can happen for several reasons, like if the linking site is deleted or updated or the page is redirected. The site already had links directing to you, so it should be easy to recover those links.

  • If the page is deleted, search it and find some links that can lead to you
  • If it’s updated, you should check if there is a good chance for your link to be put
  • If the page is redirected, also look for a good spot for your link


Of course, when you finish your research, contact the publisher and ask them to restore the links.

And if your site has any broken links, make sure to fix them!


Looking at competitor mention links


Looking at a competitor’s link profile is very significant in SEO, and it’s easy!

You can check their backlinks using platforms such as Ahrefs or or do an article search on Google. This tactic can show you who’s linking to others in your niche or which types of content tend to earn the most backlinks.

Email outreach

This implies contacting the website representative directly to ask whether they want to give you a backlink. Keep the email you’re sending concise, and be polite!

Connectively (Help a reporter out (HARO))

Help a reporter out, or simply HARO or Connectively, is an online tool that serves as a help to journalists. On this site, you can provide information for journalists, and in exchange, they will add backlinks to you or, more specifically, your website in their articles! This is another excellent example of an exchange that helps two sides.


Creating linkable content assets

Linkable content assets refer to unique and valuable content that you create to attract backlinks from other sites. Other websites can find these contents either via some tools or you can promote the content.

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