Terms of Service

Last updated: 08/29/2024

  1. Services
    Submit Juice("the Agency") provides site submission to clients. The specific services to be provided will be agreed upon between the Agency and the client prior to the commencement of work.
  2. Fees and Payment
    The client agrees to pay the fees for services as agreed upon with the Agency. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice.
  3. Domain Authority Guarantee
    For Premium Plus plan clients with software websites, including Software as a Service (SaaS) and similar platforms, the Agency guarantees to achieve a Domain Authority (DA) of at least 40 for the client's site according to Ahrefs.com. If this target is not met for eligible websites, the Agency will either:
    • Continue working with the client at no additional cost until the DA reaches 40, or
    • Provide a full refund, provided the client has completed all requested tasks.
    To qualify for this guarantee, the client must:
    • Be subscribed to the Premium Plus plan
    • Have a software website (SaaS or similar)
    • Comply with all Agency requests, including but not limited to:
      • Submitting the site to platforms deemed necessary by the Agency
      • Implementing recommended SEO changes
      • Completing any other tasks specified by the Agency
    The Agency reserves the right to determine which tasks are necessary for achieving the guaranteed DA and to assess whether a website qualifies as an eligible software website for this guarantee.
  4. Refund Policy
    All fees paid to the Agency are non-refundable, except in the case of the Domain Authority Guarantee as specified above, or if a refund is explicitly agreed to in writing by the Agency prior to payment. The client acknowledges that, beyond the Domain Authority Guarantee, the Agency makes no guarantees or warranties regarding the outcome or results of its services.
  5. Coverage
    The Agency does not guarantee coverage or placement for any content, materials or information provided by the client or created by the Agency on the client's behalf. The Agency will make reasonable efforts to secure coverage in line with the agreed-upon scope of work, but results cannot be assured.
  6. Client Responsibilities
    The client agrees to provide the Agency with accurate and complete information required for the Agency to perform its services. The client is solely responsible for the content and accuracy of any materials or information it provides.
  7. Intellectual Property
    All content, materials and work product developed by the Agency in the course of providing services will remain the intellectual property of the Agency, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Upon full payment of fees due, the Agency grants the client a license to use deliverables created for the agreed-upon scope.
  8. Limitation of Liability
    In no event shall the Agency be liable to the client for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages related to the Agency's services, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. The Agency's total liability shall not exceed the total fees paid by the client.
  9. Termination
    Either party may terminate the agreement at any time upon written notice to the other party. The client agrees to pay the Agency for all services provided up to the date of termination.
  10. Entire Agreement
    These Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement between the Agency and the client and supersede any prior agreements. Changes must be agreed to in writing.

By engaging the Agency's services, the client agrees to be bound by these Terms of Service.

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